On the left is the Menu bar which you can hide by clicking the arrow on it's top right corner.
The Charts on the Centre is an appetizer for the upcoming Charts and Reports we are going to serve you. Stay tuned you will love it. If there is any particular type of chart you wouldn't like to miss, please use our feedback form and let us know.
Star Controls:New Button
Use this to create a new Work Order
Edit Button
Use this to Edit a selected Work Order
Generate Work OrderUse this to create a new Work Order using an existing Work Order as a template.
Geo-Active ButtonThis takes you to a map showing the locations of the assets of your current Active Work Orders. With this visual display, you are better equiped to plan your Route
Action Buttons.Each of the 3 Action Buttons has a tooltip describing it's function and operates on its corresponding item on the list.
Other Controls:You can do batch processing on selected items with the other buttons.