State-of-the-art is server based solutions with browser clients. A solution could either be hosted on Premise, or on the Internet. You may use Provider hosted subscription service (SAAS), or use your company hosted solution. If you are using a provider's solution, you are no longer in control. All your data is stored somewhere in somebody else's server (or servers). You are usually expected to pay per user per month. You could be cut off anytime your subscription expires no matter the state of your business. In the event of network or connectivity issue, you don't have an alternative; no alternative way of running the software. When you add up your annual costs for say 3 years, you will be shocked by how much it is greater than a one off payment solution like Julio CMMS. One other ugly thing about SAAS solutions is that you may already have an IT staff who could deliver a suitable CMMS for you if they have the software to deploy.

Julio CMMS is server side program written in PHP. It can be hosted in your premise if you so choose. It can be hosted on the internet; anywhere Joomla could be hosted. It takes less than 10 minutes to install it. You don't need to be an IT guru to deploy it. If you can setup a web page, then you can install Julio CMMS without contacting us - many people had done that. If you already have a website, then you can easily drop Julio CMMS on a subdomain and run. The power is handed over to you. If you want it in premise, it's up to you. If you want it on the internet, you decide that.

We market Julio CMMS with the "Double Advantage" tag because it adds another level of functionality which no other CMMS has - it integrates with a Content Management System - Joomla.

Besides being a full blown CMMS, Julio CMMS allows you to exploit the power of a world popular content management system without any limits. So an engineer or a technician could create an article of no limits and attach it to a Work Order, link it to a menu item or publish his CMMS table item on the Local Intranet module. We took a lot of time to get it right. The result is the accolades we get.

One of the buyers of Julio CMMS a Pharmaceutical Company based in California, USA said they were considering going for eMaint before they discovered Julio CMMS.

He sent us his appreciation of our works (which may be featured on the site any day). He said they were able to do the same thing they wanted to do with eMaint, but it is now better, easier to understand and implement, and very much cheaper.

Julio CMMS also has a mobile application(almost ready) which integrates with your installation if your installation is on the internet. But just like it's parent solution, no other mobile app of a CMMS works the same way. You will marvel!

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